Delivering full-service environmental laboratory data in the form you need

Delivering full-service environmental laboratory data in the form you need

Metiri Group laboratories can meet the specific project needs of our clients by providing a wide array of data report formats that comply with state and federal regulatory programs.


Providing full-service data reporting solutions

Metiri Group laboratories have extensive experience producing electronic data deliverables (EDDs). All electronic data is transferred directly from Metiri’s Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). The electronic data is subject to the same quality control procedures as the final hard copy reports, ensuring that data from both formats are consistent.

With this breadth of experience, Metiri has developed many client-specific EDDs and an extensive list of XLS, XML, and CSV-formatted options to fit most client requirements.


  • Customized Reporting:  Some client EDDs may require customization, while others are variants of the standard EDD. Metiri encourages all clients to provide EDD specifications prior to commencing any work.


  • Level 1-Level 4 Reports:  Metiri Group currently provides Level 1-Level 4 reports based on the client's requirements.
Analytical Results X X X X
Chain-of-custody X X X X
Surrogate Recoveries, where appropriate X X X
Method Blank X X X
Laboratory Control Sample X X X
Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) X X X
Matrix Spike (MS) Summary X X X
Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Summary X X X
Replicate/Duplicate X X X
GC/MS Tune X X
Initial Calibration X X
Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) X X
Raw Data – including instrument logs, data sheets, chromatograms, spectra, extraction logs, digestion logs, and instrument sequences X

Our current EDD list includes the following. If you need something not listed here, please contact us and we’ll be happy to work with you to meet your EDD needs.

  • Adapt ADR A1/A3
  • CH2MHill
  • CLIP
  • EDF 1.2i (Geotracker)
  • EQUIS (a variety of flavors)
  • ERPIMS Lab (ERPToolsX)
  • eSMR
  • LOCUS EIM 53 or 57
  • Promium Transfer Export
  • SEDD 5.2 stage 2a (ADR.NET, AK SAVVY, EPA, and FUDSChem validation)
  • SNED
  • SWAMP 2.5
  • Synectics Laboratory ChemLab (AKA ENV.EDDSpec FixedWidth or ERPIMS Enhanced)
  • USBR

Learn more about Metiri Group

Learn more about Metiri Group